Crocker Ranch North
Roseville, CA
The Crocker Ranch North project is a 1,094 lot residential subdivision and located within the City of Roseville on Blue Oaks Boulevard, East of Fiddyment Road. Baker-Williams Engineering Group took the project from raw ground to a complete neighborhood including a regional park, a neighborhood park and an open space lot along Pleasant Grove Creek. Our scope included processing an annexation into the City of Roseville, major infrastructure studies, design and construction drawings Community Facilities District plan preparation and thirteen phases of Subdivision improvement plans. Baker-Williams Engineering Group also performed all the mapping and construction staking for each set of plans.

Bell Acqua Ski Lakes
Rio Linda, CA
Bell Acqua Ski Lakes is a ski lake project located located on the north side of Ascot Avenue, approximately 1840 feet west of Dry Creek Road in the northern area of Sacramento County. Baker Williams Engineering Group’s scope was to prepare improvement plans to construct a 3 ski lake complex. We were then contracted to prepare a Tentative Subdivision Map entitled Club Bell Acqua, a 32 lot residential subdivision. The scope was to process a General Plan Amendment, Community Plan Amendment, Rezone, Special Development permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, Tentative Parcel Map and Affordable Housing Plan. This application has been approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sacramento.

Gilroy Crossing Shopping Center
Gilroy, CA
The Gilroy Crossing project is a fifty acre, multi-tenant shopping center and parking lot located along Highway 101 at Highway 132 within the City of Gilroy. Baker-Williams Engineering Group’s scope was to process entitlements and prepare on-site and off-site improvement plans for the entire commercial complex. Baker-Williams Engineering Group performed all mapping associated with the project.

Highland Reserve
Roseville, CA
The Highland Reserve project is a phased commercial building and parking lot located along Highway 65 at Pleasant Grove Boulevard within the City of Roseville. Baker Williams Engineering Group’s scope was to process entitlements and prepare improvement plans for a 4 building commercial complex. Baker Williams Engineering Group also performed all mapping and construction staking.
Just across the ravine and to the Southeast of Highland Reserve, Baker Williams Engineering Group prepared the Improvement Plans and provided construction staking for The Terraces at Highland Reserve (700 Gibson Drive), a 272 unit apartment complex.

Iron Point Shopping Center
Folsom, CA
The Iron Point Road Commercial project is a multi-tenant shopping center and parking lot located at the Northwest corner of Iron Point Road and Prairie City Road within the City of Folsom. Baker-Williams Engineering Group’s scope was to prepare improvement plans for the entire commercial complex. Baker-Williams Engineering Group performed all mapping associated with the project.

McCellan Park
Sacramento, CA
BAKER-WILLIAMS ENGINEERING GROUP has extensive experience working within and around the McClellan Park property. With over 120 past and current projects within McClellan Park including the design for the Price Avenue street re-construction. Projects within McClellan Park require plan and permit processing with other agencies that are unique to McClellan Park. Our experience on projects include a variety of services both small and large, from simple topography surveys to confirm ADA compliance, to small project offering Civil Engineering services for existing building improvements, to large infrastructure projects for public street design and even extensive infrastructure design for sanitary sewer and storm drain systems.

Wildhawk Estates
Elk Grove, CA
The Wildhawk Estates project is a 342 lot residential subdivision located south and adjacent to the Wildhawk Golf Course on Vineyard Road in the southeast area of Sacramento County. Baker-Williams Engineering Group’s scope was to process entitlements, design mass grading plans and six separate phased subdivision improvement plans, park site plans, preparation of offsite infrastructure plans for 10,700 LF sewer main and 2,000 LF water main, major infrastructure studies for sewer and storm drain and water systems. Baker-Williams Engineering Group also performed all the mapping and construction staking for each set of plans. All plans were created and the entire 342 lot project improvements were constructed within 24 months.